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Friday, September 12, 2008

Memory Allocation Problems under OSF/1 from DEC


Under the operating system OSF/1 from Digital Equipment Corporation, and under UNIX operating systems (64-bit), R/3 processes with the following error message are canceled: mprotect failed, rc = 12 error code ENOMEN (not enough core)

Corrective action

The cause of the problem may be that the value of the OSF/1 kernel parameter VPAGEMAX has not been increased. You must increase this parameter value so that the SAP memory management system can be used.

You can find detailed information on increasing the parameter VPAGEMAX under OSF/1 in the R/3 installation guide OS Dependencies. You receive this document with all R/3 installation and upgrade packages.

You can find additional information on VPAGEMAX in the man-page mprotect under OSF/1, return code ENOMEN.

The value for VPAGEMAX is calculated in the following way: The sum of values for all R/3 system profile parameters em/initial_size_MB on all R/3 application servers of the host system divided by its page size:

S (initial_size_MB of all R/3 servers)/page size

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