This value specifies the memory amount in bytes. When this amount is exceeded, a work process is restarted after executing a dialog step.
In a work process, heap memory (malloc) can be allocated for a user context. See Allocating Memory for User Contexts and Private Memory. If a user context releases this memory again, it still remains reserved by the process (compared to the operating system), and is only available for other processes if the process itself has ended.
The following chart illustrates this situation using the example of a dialog work process.
As few restarts of work processes as possible, but swap space bottlenecks may not occur. The local memory allocated by the work processes has to be released again.
As depicted in the graphic, the value of abap/heaplimit should be smaller than abap/heap_area_dia or abap/heap_area_nondia, so that the dialog step that is running can still be executed. This prevents the work process from working against the operating system’s swap space limit if there is a programmed termination of the work process.
To determine how many work processes are restarted, use the CCMS (transaction RZ03). Note that the column Err in the work process display (transaction SM50) does not refer to work processes that are restarted.
Unit: Bytes
Default value: 40000000 (40 MB)
Recommended value: 20000000 (20 MB); recommended area: 10000000... 50000000 (10 MB... 50 MB)
You can get the values from the configuration examples (Contents button).
Changes: The customer can make changes.