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Friday, August 22, 2008

Sample Basis Questions 3

1)The local memory of the work process consist of ( More than one answer can be correct)

  1. Roll buffer

  2. Roll area

  3. Paging buffer

  4. Page area

2)System messages can be sent using transaction

  1. SM04

  2. SM02

  3. SM12

  4. SM21

3)Which of the following are true about update WP?

  1. At least one V2 WP should be configured in a SAP system.

  2. If V1 WP are unavailable V2 WP can process V1 requests.

  3. If V2 WP are unavailable V1 WP will process the V2 requests.

  4. None of the above.

4) In case of a MCOD type of SAP installation which of following are true? (Multiple answers are possible).

  1. Two SAP systems are stored in two different databases.

  2. The same user id’s are used by all the SAP System to connect to the same database.

  3. The multiple SAP systems are differentiated using the SCHEMA ID.

  4. None of the above.

5)The transaction to Solution manager landscape is

  1. SM01

  2. SMSY

  3. SM66

  4. SM13

6)In the 3 layered client-server technology which are the 3 layers?

  1. Database layer

  2. Application Layer

  3. Operating system layer

  4. Presentation layer

7)Which of the following are ABAP/4 dictionary objects?(More than one answer can be correct)

  1. Tables

  2. Fields

  3. Data elements

  4. Domain

8)Which of the following are ABAP dictionary changes?( More than one answer can be correct)

  1. Activation

  2. Version management

  3. Profile parameter changes

  4. Table entries

9)Which is the central archiving transaction?

  1. MARA

  2. SARA

  3. DB15

  4. ARCH

10)What is the transaction for defining logical file path is

  1. SALE

  2. FILE

  3. DB15

  4. DB16

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