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Friday, August 22, 2008

SAP BC Certification - Is It Worth Getting Certified

Do you think it is worth getting certified? How many test are required for the basis certification? Is it required to take classes or can I study on my own?

Now days there's so many choices. Start at http://www.sap.com/services/education/index.epx, pick your country and select Certification Program.

If you've got enough years of experience I don't think certification would make much difference to a full time job.

But if you're a contractor, I could see it highly worthwhile. Upgrades / Migrations have to have certified Basis Consultant.

Do you require training to attend certification?

I have done certification in the month of FEB 2003. I took training also.

If you ask me the question - Do you require training to attend certification? I will ask you following questions-

1. Do you have time to attend the course in the first place?
2. Do you want to inform outside world that you want to prove yourself? Coz, World listen you when you are certified. No matter how bad your skills are.
3. Do not want to take chances?
4. Invest money? Remember I am using word invest money? Investment is always linked with expectations of future higher returns?
5. Can keep job and other onhand tasks away for the training time? In otherwords have difficulty to free yourself and so the best choice is making yourself free by attending course would help?
6. Want to know in and out of SAP? Coz course would try to give you the behind picture in depth (practically may not be possible but may be true to some extent)
7. Conceptually weak in many of the aspects of basis?

If your answer is "YES" then better take course before writing exam?

Esp. in IT, you learn faster when someone guide you rather than you do self study. Of course with Basis certification you need both as time is limited. Also you may have to fight for best tutor (remember).

There are pros and cons. You are the better judge. If you can give more valid reasons for the choice you made. Go ahead. Sure you will win. Most important is committment.

SAP Basis Certification Sample Questions

Caution: more than one answer may be correct.
Please mark ALL correct answers.

When creating a logon group for Logon Load Balancing, which of the following CANNOT be specified?

A. Maximum allowable response time.
B. Maximum number of users who may be logged on to the instance.
C. Name of the instance defined for the logon group.
D. Maximum number of sessions per user.
E. Name of the logon group

Which R/3 System user is used for starting external programs using SAP background jobs?

E. adm

Name the R/3 System transaction used for mointoring a spool requests.

A. SM50
B. SM51
D. SP01
E. SM37

Which of the following is authorized to maintain R/3 user id parameters?

A. Only the R/3 system administrator.
B. All R/3 users having an account in the same R/3 client.
C. Only the user himself.
D. Only the R/3 system administrator and the user.

Given a LAN with an R/3 Central Instance with database (Node: host1, Instance Name:DVEBMGS01, SAPSID:C11), and R/3 Dialog Instance (Node: host2), and several R/3 Frontend PC's what is the name of the profile where the SAPDBHOST parameter is defined?

A. C11_DVEBMGS00_host1
B. The SAPDBHOST parameter is defined in the database startup profile.

Given and R/3 Central Instance with all services installed, using Instance ID01, and having the SAP ID of C11. What is the name of the directory where the work process trace files are written (for Windows NT replace the "/" with "\")?

A. /usr/sap/C11/DVEBMGS01/data
B. /usr/sap/C11/DVEBMGS01/log
C. /usr/sap/C11/DVEBMGS01/work
D. The trace files are written in internal database tables.
E. The trace files are written in the home directory of the database.

Which of the following functions is NOT possible using the SAP Online Service System (OSS)?

A. Execute online searches for R/3 Notes.
B. Register problems with the SAP Hotline.
C. Lookup SAP training dates and course offerings.
D. Register changes to SAP objects.
E. Apply for official Internet address from SAP.

Interview Questions for SAP Basis

What is private mode? When does user switch to user mode?

Private mode is a mode where the heap data is getting exclusively allocated by the user and is no more shared across the system. This happens when your extended memory is exhausted.

What is osp$ mean? What if user is given with this authorisation?

OPS$ is the mechanism the adm users uses to connect to the database .

Why do you use DDIC user not SAP* for Support Packs and SPam?

Do _NOT_ use neither DDIC nor SAP* for applying support packages. Copy DDIC to a separate user and use that user to apply them.

Can you kill a Job?

Yes - SM37 - select - kill

If you have a long running Job, how do you analyse?

Use transaction SE30.

How to uncar car/sar files in a single shot?

on Unix:
$ for i in *.SAR; do SAPCAR -xvf $i; done

When we should use Transactional RFC ?

A "transactional RFC" means, that either both parties agree that the data was correctly transfered - or not. There is no "half data transfer".

What is the use of Trusted system. I know that there is no need of UID and PWD to communicate with partner system. In what situation it is good to go for Trusted system ?

E. g. if you have an R/3 system and a BW system and don't want to maintain passwords. Same goes for CRM and a lot of other systems/applications.

Let me know if my understanding below is correct:
1) By default the RFC destination is synchronous
2) Asynchronous RFC is used incase if the system initiated the RFC call no need to wait for the response before it proceeds to something else.

Yes - that's right.

But keep in mind, that it's not only a technical issue whether to switch to asynchronous. The application must also be able to handle that correctly.

Which table contains the details related to Q defined in SPAM? Is there a way to revert back the Q defined? If yes, How?

There is a "delete" button when you define the queue. If you already started the import it's no more possible since the system will become inconsistent.

What is a developer key? and how to generate a developer key?

The developer key is a combination of you installation number, your license key (that you get from http://service.sap.com/licensekey) and the user name. You need this for each person that will make changes (Dictionary or programs) in the system.

What is XI3.0 ? EXPLAIN XI = Exchange Infrastructure - Part of Netweaver 2004.

SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) is SAP's enterprise application integration (EAI) software, a component of the NetWeaver product group used to facilitate the exchange of information among a company's internal software and systems and those of external parties. Like other NetWeaver components, SAP XI is compatible with software products of other

SAP calls XI an integration broker because it mediates between entities with varying requirements in terms of connectivity, format, and protocols. According to SAP, XI reduces integration costs by providing a common repository for interfaces. The central component of SAP XI is the SAP Integration Server, which facilitates interaction between diverse operating systems and applications across internal and external networked computer systems.

How to see when were the optimizer stats last time run? We are using win2k, oracle 9, sapr346c.

Assumed DB=Oracle

Select any table lets take MARA here but you should do the same for MSEG and few others to see whether the dates match or not.Run the following command on the command prompt:-

select last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name like '%MARA%';

This gives you a straight answer .Else you can always fish around in DB14 for seeing when the optimzer stats were updated.

SAP Administration Questions Answers

What is the use of profile paramater ztta/roll_area?

The value specifies the size of the roll area in bytes. The roll area is one of several memory areas, which satisfies the user requests of user programs. For technical reasons, however, the first 250 KB or so of a user context are always stored in the roll area, further data
- up to the roll area limit ztta/roll_first,
- in the extended memory, up to the limit ztta/roll_extension or if extended memory is exhausted, then
- again in the roll area, until the roll area is full, then
- in the local process area, up to the limit abap/heap_area_dia or abap/heap_area_total or until the address space or the
swap space is exhausted.

Followed by termination with errors like STORAGE_PARAMETERS_WRONG_SET an error code, that points to memory bottleneck Minimum data transfer with context change; however, the increase helps to avoid problems (address space, swap space, operating system paging).

What is R/3? and what is basis version?

SAP Basis:
- Provides the runtime environment for all SAP applications
- Optimally embeds the application in the system environment
- Defines a stable architecture framework for system enhancements
- Contains the tools for administering the entire system
- Allows the distribution of resources and system components
- Provides interfaces for decentralized system parts and external products.

An R/3 instance is a group of R/3 services that are started and stopped as a unit (by an R/3 dispatcher) and have a common instance profile. The name of an R/3 instance is composed of letters standing for the relevant services, and an instance number which is unique for each computer. The services may be D, V, E, B, M, G, or S, which respectively stand for dialogue, update, enqueue, background, message, gateway, and spool services.

Tips by : Suresh Babu

I would like to know the version or name of SAP that is implemented in real time?

This is a very generic question and really depends on what you are implementing (modules).

The history of the "R/3" is

3.0D Basis 300
3.0E Basis 300
3.0F Basis 300
3.1H Basis 310
3.1I Basis 310
4.0B Basis 400
4.5B Basis 450
4.6C Basis 460
4.71 Basis 6.20
4.72 Basis 6.20
5.00 Basis 6.40 (ECC 5.0 - Enterprise Core components)
6.00 Basis 7.00 (ECC 6.0) - actually in RampUp

All of those have increased business functionality and interfaces to other systems (CRM, BW etc.)

What is mysap?

It's a term for all the systems that in a contract (e. g. a MySAP business suite consist of ERP2005, CRM2005, SRM2005).

What is the systems configuration required to implement SAP.. i.e for production,development and QAS servers the hard disk space, RAM, Processor

This also depends on what your are implementing, how many users will work on the system, how many records in what area are created etc.

We need a BIG database system and an even bigger application server for ~ 900 users and 12 languages.

What is ASAP?

It's an old term for an implementation strategy. Blueprint -> prototype -> goLive (if you want to say it in one sentence).

How should I set priority for Printing say like user, teamlead, project manager?

There's nothing like "priority" settings for spool processes. Just define more (profile parameter rdisp/wp_no_spool) processes so people don't need to wait.

Using Tc SGEN I have generated 74% job and later I have terminated the job. I wish to start generating from where it stopped I have refreshed but to no chance nothing was done. How should I further proceed so as to complete the remaining job..

Start SGEN again and select the same you have selected before. It will popup and ask if you want to start from scratch or generate the just the remaining.

SAP Administration Questions Answers

What is the use of profile paramater ztta/roll_area?

The value specifies the size of the roll area in bytes. The roll area is one of several memory areas, which satisfies the user requests of user programs. For technical reasons, however, the first 250 KB or so of a user context are always stored in the roll area, further data
- up to the roll area limit ztta/roll_first,
- in the extended memory, up to the limit ztta/roll_extension or if extended memory is exhausted, then
- again in the roll area, until the roll area is full, then
- in the local process area, up to the limit abap/heap_area_dia or abap/heap_area_total or until the address space or the
swap space is exhausted.

Followed by termination with errors like STORAGE_PARAMETERS_WRONG_SET an error code, that points to memory bottleneck Minimum data transfer with context change; however, the increase helps to avoid problems (address space, swap space, operating system paging).

What is R/3? and what is basis version?

SAP Basis:
- Provides the runtime environment for all SAP applications
- Optimally embeds the application in the system environment
- Defines a stable architecture framework for system enhancements
- Contains the tools for administering the entire system
- Allows the distribution of resources and system components
- Provides interfaces for decentralized system parts and external products.

An R/3 instance is a group of R/3 services that are started and stopped as a unit (by an R/3 dispatcher) and have a common instance profile. The name of an R/3 instance is composed of letters standing for the relevant services, and an instance number which is unique for each computer. The services may be D, V, E, B, M, G, or S, which respectively stand for dialogue, update, enqueue, background, message, gateway, and spool services.

Tips by : Suresh Babu

I would like to know the version or name of SAP that is implemented in real time?

This is a very generic question and really depends on what you are implementing (modules).

The history of the "R/3" is

3.0D Basis 300
3.0E Basis 300
3.0F Basis 300
3.1H Basis 310
3.1I Basis 310
4.0B Basis 400
4.5B Basis 450
4.6C Basis 460
4.71 Basis 6.20
4.72 Basis 6.20
5.00 Basis 6.40 (ECC 5.0 - Enterprise Core components)
6.00 Basis 7.00 (ECC 6.0) - actually in RampUp

All of those have increased business functionality and interfaces to other systems (CRM, BW etc.)

What is mysap?

It's a term for all the systems that in a contract (e. g. a MySAP business suite consist of ERP2005, CRM2005, SRM2005).

What is the systems configuration required to implement SAP.. i.e for production,development and QAS servers the hard disk space, RAM, Processor

This also depends on what your are implementing, how many users will work on the system, how many records in what area are created etc.

We need a BIG database system and an even bigger application server for ~ 900 users and 12 languages.

What is ASAP?

It's an old term for an implementation strategy. Blueprint -> prototype -> goLive (if you want to say it in one sentence).

How should I set priority for Printing say like user, teamlead, project manager?

There's nothing like "priority" settings for spool processes. Just define more (profile parameter rdisp/wp_no_spool) processes so people don't need to wait.

Using Tc SGEN I have generated 74% job and later I have terminated the job. I wish to start generating from where it stopped I have refreshed but to no chance nothing was done. How should I further proceed so as to complete the remaining job..

Start SGEN again and select the same you have selected before. It will popup and ask if you want to start from scratch or generate the just the remaining.


Automatic CTS

Even though SAP does not recommend automatic imports, it is the most practical way of moving transports from a development system to a QA environment or to a special development system (although I wouldn't recommend auto imports to a production system for obvious reasons).

There are various methods for doing this. The most effective and simple method is using an OS script (shell/perl etc.) scheduled using cron for user sidadm. There are a couple of steps you need to take before setting up automatic imports.

  1. Your entire project team should agree upon the overall strategy, frequency of imports etc.
  2. Resolve any issues with transport approvals (many shops don't care about traffic between DEV and QA)
  3. Who is responsible for watching for errors and corrective actions (an email to the developer works in this case)

Configuring outbound SAP to Internet mail Gateway (R/3 4.0 and above)

Logon to your as sidadm
Change directory to /sapmnt/SID/global (or any directory globally available across all application servers)
Create the following entries in file SAP_EMAIL_GATEWAY.sh and save the file
/sapmnt/SID/exe/mlunxsnd $*
Execute the command: mlosmadm SAP_EMAIL_GATEWAY.cfg (enter the following information)
System name : SID
Client : 200
Username : MAILADM
Password : initpass
Language : E
Loadbalancing : Y
Message Server :
Group name : LOGON GROUP1
Trace Level (inBoound) : 0
Sendmail Command :
Codepage :
Trace Level (Outbound) : 0
Update file : Y
Step 2 (SAP SETUP)

Transaction SU01, create user MAILADM and password initpass, usertype CPIC
Transaction SM59, Click Create

Connection Type : T
Enter /sapmnt/P21/global/ SAP_EMAIL_GATEWAY.sh
Save your entries
Transaction SCOT, click Edit--> CREATE NODES
Node : EMAIL
Description : SAP CONNECT NODE FOR EMAIL (continue)
RFC DESTINATION: (choose SAP 4.5 INTERNET MAIL GATEWAY from the pull down menu)
Choose radio button Internet
Address area : *DOMAIN (your intranet domain)
Format : DOC, DAT, R3F, TXT, RAW,PPT,XLS (continue)
Set further address types : N
Minimum waiting : 5 minutes
Check both Node is in use', Node can resolve path references
Choose Goto--> Schedule Background Job
Enter name for the job & save

Configuring outbound SAP to Internet mail Gateway (Upto R/3 3.1I)

SAP can be configured to send and receive emails from different sources. This section explains how to integrate SAPOffice with an external email system. This is in no way supplementing the online documentation available on the online documentation CD supplied by SAP but simplyfies the process to the bare Internet email must be configured and running prior to this. Email from SAP is forwarded to the users external email client such as Eudora, Outlook etc.

You can configure inbound and outbound forwarding. Outbound flow forwards a SAP message (eg:update termination) via UNIX sendmail to the intended recepient. Inbound accepts a message from sendmail and places it in the users SAPOffice inbox. Many SAP shops prefer to configure outbound only.

Configuring outbound forwarding

SAP configuration
  1. Create your RFC destination for outbound email using transaction SM59
RFC Destination         :  SAP_INTERNET_GATEWAY
Connection Type : T
Description : SAP internet mail gateway
Click on 'Explicit Host' if you want on demand gateway dameon invocation.
Program : /sapmnt/SID/exe/mlunxsnd
Target Host : Enter hostname that runs your central instance.
Click 'Test Connection' and you should see a successfull message.
  1. Choose menu Tools-->Administration-->Management-->Process Technology-->Office-->Office Settings
  2. Click Internet Gateway
Gateway Destination             : SAP_INTERNET_GATEWAY
Path for configuration file : /sapmnt/SID/exe/sap_mailSID.cfg
Return Address : .com
  1. Click Internet Settings and fill in the following fields
  2. Save the settings
  3. Click Back
  4. Choose menu Office-->Addresses-->Communication Types
  5. Type in INT over the Comm. type and Internet Mail over description.
  6. . Check Maintain and Send checkboxes and Save your entries.

  7. UNIX configuration

  8. . cd /sapmnt/SID/exe

  9. .mlosadm sap_mailSID.cfg
    Client 000
    Username : MAILADM
    Password : MAILADM
    Language : E
    System name : SID
    System number :
    Hostname :
    Gateway hostname:
    Gateway server sapgw
    Sendmail Command :
    Update file : Y
  1. Logon to SAP
  2. Execute transaction SO01
  3. Write a message and send it to
  4. If you don't see the mail in your internet mailbox, go back and review steps 1-12


There are 2 ways of executing FTP from an ABAP (online or batch mode),

Initiated from the operating system. A script is available in the utility repository that explains how to do this very easily.

Initiated from the ABAP itself An example is given below.
  1. Create a logical OS command 'zftp' using transaction SM69. Make sure that you enable 'comand line parameter allowed' checkbox
  2. Create a shell script called 'zftp' with the following lines
RMTHOST=`echo $2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
ftp -v $RMTHOST <<> /out/zftp.$$ 2>&1
lcd /out
put $1
  1. Use the SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE function module to call this script (zftp) with the filename you want to transfer as the parameter. Eg:
call function 'SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE'
commandname =
exec_protocol =
no_permission = 1
command_not_found = 2
parameters_too_long = 3

Enable web based online documentaion (R/3 4.0 or above)

  1. Install Netscape webserver or use an existing web server (requires administrators privelege)
  2. Create a directory called SAPDOCS4 under your web server document root.
  3. Mount the CDROM containing online documentation on your PC or your UNIX server.
  4. Recursively copy all files under /cdrom/docs/ to the SAPDOC4 directory under the web server root.
  5. Create the following entries in your /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL
eu/iwb/installed_languages = EN
  1. Restart your SAP system

How to access an external database from ABAP via DBLINK (ORACLE)

  1. Using transaction SE11, create a table (ZTABLE) with the same fields as the table in the external database, make sure that the type and lengths of the fields are identical.
  2. Using transaction SE11, create a view (ZTABLE_VIEW, projection view) using BASIS table ZTABLE
  3. Using SVRMGRL>
create dblink REMOTE_DB as connect to remote_user identified by password; (database link created)
drop table ZTABLE; (table dropped)
create synonym ZTABLE for ZTABLE@REMOTE_DB; (synonym created)
  1. Using transaction SE16 , type in ZTABLE_VIEW and hit RETURN
  2. Enter value in key fields and hit execute. (displays rows from the remote table)

Tips and Tricks

  1. To see the complete text of an error/warning message on the SAPGUI status bar, right click on the message and drag left.
  2. To prevent your spool requests getting deleted from the BASIS cleanup jobs, you need to uncheck the Delete after print checkbox in the print control screen, execute transaction SP01, find your spool#, click on Attributes and change the Delete After date
  3. Short cuts using the OK-code box.

Basis Administration Questions Answers

What is th difference between Sap lock and database lock?

A "SAP lock" is named "enqueue lock", the enqueue is on a much higher level, e. g. a complete sales document is locked there whereas in the datbase usually only row locks exist. Since SAP runs on more database than Oracle (thanx god) one needed to have a mechanism, that is database independent and on a higher level.

What is the diff between clients 000 and 001?

Client 000 is the SAP source client, client 001 exists only on certain installations (e. g. solution Manager). *-- Markus

I would like to know is there anyway to transport roles from Production to Development or Sandbox.

Goto PFCG and enter the role which you want to transfer to other system. goto utilities->Mass download it will ask the path where to download/save that role on local desktop give the location and save it. Next logon to the system where you want that particular role.
PFCG-> Role -> upload.
Give the path where the role is saved. it accepts and generates successfully. *-- Mahesh

What is the need of having Development system?

To develop and custamize SAP to companies requirement. say if you dont have DEV, after go-live(started using SAP (PRD}) if you want to do some changes to application, you cannot do changes directly to PRD server, which may cause problem the PRD server live data. so you do the required changes on DEV first and test them on QAS, if it works fine
them transport the same to PRD.

Difference between Application server and Central Instance?

AS: Is just a dialog instance.
CI: Is Dialog instance + Database Instance.

What is Transport domain and Domain controller?

TD: is the collection of transport controller, trans directory and all other systems in the group.

TC: A system which will have trans directory, and in which the total landscape is designed and maintained. in stms you can see all these. *-- Suneel

What are SNOTES ? How to apply them in SAP ?

The name of the transaction is SNOTE. A "note" in general is a hint, documentation, error/bug description and may contain code corrections, that are applied with the transaction SNOTE.

What is OSS ?

OSS is the old name of the nowadays "sapnet" which contains everything you need to run SAP a program, patches, installation/upgrade documentation etc.

What are different modules used like EP, XI, CRM ,BW, etc?

Those are not different modules but different products.

EP = Enterprise Portal
XI = Exchange Infrastructure
CRM = Customer Relationship Management
BW = Business Warehouse (that is the old term), it's now call BI (Business Intelligence)

What is the correct use of SPAM, SAINT, SPAD and SPDD transactions. When should we use each?

SPAM is for installing support packages, SAINT is used to install new addons. SPAD is for creating printers (I assume you meant SPAU) and SPDD is for adjusting modification to dictionary objects.

Is it possible to update Support Release packages from OS level?

No - you can import them but the full process will require additional steps the tools "tp" and "R3trans" are not aware of. The way is to use SPAM - but SPAM has the possibility to schedule those imports in the background.

After doing any Support Package update in SPAM, are there any further steps to carry out for this update to take effect?

No, they are active immediately.

Sample Basis Questions 5

1)What will happen if a background job is running and the Operation Mode Switch is activated in between?

  1. The job will be cancelled

  2. The job will be put in Suspended state

  3. The Job will continue to run and once it finishes then the Operation Mode Switch will occur

  4. The Operation Mode will happen the next day

2)The standard System Landscape recommended by SAP is
  1. DEV, QAS & PRD systems on one Server

  2. DEV & QAS on one server and PRD on another server

  3. DEV, QAS & PRD on separate server

  4. DEV on one server and QAS & PRD on one server

3)Access Method is
  1. Connection between Dialog & Spool Work Process

  2. Connection between OS Spool and the Actual Printer

  3. Connection between Spool Work Process and OS Spool

  4. Connection between Spool Request & Output Request

4)Total number of clients supported per SAP system
  1. 1000

  2. 999

  3. 500

  4. 998

5)Which of these is a communication user in client 000?


  3. DDIC

  4. SYS

6)Which of the following files contain TP configuration?
  1. transport.ini

  2. DOMAIN_DEV.cfg

  3. TP_.PFL

  4. tpimport.pfg

7)Which process first connects to the database?
  1. Dispatcher

  2. Message server

  3. Work process


8)Where the SAP Spool system stores data?
  1. In the TemSe database

  2. at the Operating system

  3. in the shared memory of the central instance

  4. in the shared memory of the dialog instance

9)Memory allocation sequence for dialog work process is

  1. roll first, heap memory until exhausted, remaining of roll area, then Extended memory

  2. roll first, Extended memory until quota reached, remaining of Roll area, then Heap memory

  3. Extended memory until quota reached, then the whole of Roll area, then heap memory

  4. roll first , then heap memory, then extended memory , remaining roll area.

10)For external programs which process is used to trigger an event within an SAP system
  1. sapxpg

  2. gwrd

  3. dpmon

  4. sapevt

Sample Basis Questions 4

1)Which SAP system parameter points to the path of the transport directory?

2)Transaction for defining logical systems is:
  1. BD15
  2. BD54
  3. BD64
  4. BD87
3)Operation modes are created as empty containers in transaction?
  1. RZ04
  2. SM69
  3. SM58
  4. SM30
4)In ALE configuration the transaction for maintaining the partner profiles is
  1. WE05
  2. WE20
  3. BD15
  4. BD87
5)Which of the following are building blocks of ALE? (More than one answer can be correct)
  1. Logical system
  2. Message Type
  3. Program ID
  4. Partner Profile

6)Which of the following are true?
  1. Access to http://service.sap.com/ is available only to customers.
  2. Access to http://help.sap.com/ is available only to SAP partners.
  3. Access to http://service.sap.com/ is available only to SAP customers and partners.
  4. All of the above.
  5. None of the above.
7)Which of the following is true about developer keys and object keys? (Multiple answers are possible).
  1. Object keys in a SAP system are stored in table ADIRACCESS.
  2. To create a customer program ZABCD you require an object key.
  3. To modify a customer program ZABCD you need an object key.
  4. To create a customer program ZABCD you need a developer key.
  5. None of the above.
8)Which of the following are client copy profiles? (More than one answer can be correct)
  1. SAP_ALL
  2. SAP_ABA
  3. SAP_NEW
  4. SAP_ CUST
9)Client copy/transport log analysis can be done using transaction;
  1. SCC1
  2. SLOG
  3. SCCL
  4. SCC3
10)With which user id can one log into a newly created client with password PASS?
  1. DDIC
  2. BASIS
  3. SAP*
  4. SYS

Sample Basis Questions 3

1)The local memory of the work process consist of ( More than one answer can be correct)

  1. Roll buffer

  2. Roll area

  3. Paging buffer

  4. Page area

2)System messages can be sent using transaction

  1. SM04

  2. SM02

  3. SM12

  4. SM21

3)Which of the following are true about update WP?

  1. At least one V2 WP should be configured in a SAP system.

  2. If V1 WP are unavailable V2 WP can process V1 requests.

  3. If V2 WP are unavailable V1 WP will process the V2 requests.

  4. None of the above.

4) In case of a MCOD type of SAP installation which of following are true? (Multiple answers are possible).

  1. Two SAP systems are stored in two different databases.

  2. The same user id’s are used by all the SAP System to connect to the same database.

  3. The multiple SAP systems are differentiated using the SCHEMA ID.

  4. None of the above.

5)The transaction to Solution manager landscape is

  1. SM01

  2. SMSY

  3. SM66

  4. SM13

6)In the 3 layered client-server technology which are the 3 layers?

  1. Database layer

  2. Application Layer

  3. Operating system layer

  4. Presentation layer

7)Which of the following are ABAP/4 dictionary objects?(More than one answer can be correct)

  1. Tables

  2. Fields

  3. Data elements

  4. Domain

8)Which of the following are ABAP dictionary changes?( More than one answer can be correct)

  1. Activation

  2. Version management

  3. Profile parameter changes

  4. Table entries

9)Which is the central archiving transaction?

  1. MARA

  2. SARA

  3. DB15

  4. ARCH

10)What is the transaction for defining logical file path is

  1. SALE

  2. FILE

  3. DB15

  4. DB16

Sample Basis Question 2

1) In what sequence does the system read the system parameters the specified locations?
a) Instance profile
-> Default profile -> Kernel
b) start.ini
-> Kernel -> Default profile -> Instance profile
c) Kernel
-> Default profile -> Instance profile
d) Kernel -> start.ini -> Default profile -> Instance profile

2) Which are the possible Client Roles
a) Test
b) Production
c) Demo
d) Integration

3) Which of the following are types of change requests?
a) Workbench request
b) Developer request
c) Customizing request
d) cross-client customizing request

4)In sap when a background job can be triggered?
a)When an even occurs
b) when database updates
c) when a job finished succesfully
d) can be triggered only in relese R/3 4.7

5) Which of the following work process can be dynamically changed?
a) BTC
c) v1
d) DIA

6) Which of the follwing are types of RFC destinations
a) Inter-system connection
b) R/3 connections
c) R/2 connections
d) Remote connections

7) Example of Java Standalone installation is?
a) Mysap 2005
b) WebAS 7.1
c) Sap BW 3.0
d) SAP Enterprise portal

8)Which of the following work process supports multiplexing?
a) Update
b) Background
c) Dialog
d) Enqueue

9)What tasks does a task handler carry out?
a) Triggers a event
b) Acess the database
c) Compile the Abap code
Coordinates activities within the work process

During asynchronous updates, which process records the data to be changed in VB* tables?
a) Dialog
d) Spool

Sample Basis Questions 1

Here i am posting 10 sample basis questions

1. Which of the following are standard users in SAP systems? (More than one answers)


2. A background job contains one or more steps. A step can be (More than one answers)

a) An ABAP Program
b) An external Program
c) A java program
d) An external os command

3. What are the status a background job can have? (More than one answers)

a) Running
b) Released
c) Finished
d) Error

4.What remote procedure calls does SAP provide?
(More than one answers)

a) Synchronous RFC
b) Looped RFC
c) Queued RFC
d) Direct RFC

5. Which of the following are work process?

a) Dialog.
b) Message Server
c) ICM
d) Update
e) Gateway

6. Which of the following are valid transport routes?

a) Transport route
b) Consolidation route
c) Integration route
d) Delivery route

7. Support Package is imported using the tool


8. The tool for installing an add-on is

d) SCU0

9. Which of the following printing mode exist in sap system?
(More than one answers)

a) Remote Printing
b) Local Printing
c) Instance Printing
d) Front-end Printing

10. Which of the following transaction is used to configure printers in sap system?

c) SP01
d) SP02

Sample Basis Questions 1 Answers

Here i am posting 10 sample basis questions

1. Which of the following are standard users in SAP systems? (More than one answers)


2. A background job contains one or more steps. A step can be (More than one answers)

a) An ABAP Program
b) An external Program
c) A java program
d) An external os command

3. What are the status a background job can have? (More than one answers)

a) Running
b) Released
c) Finished
d) Error

4.What remote procedure calls does SAP provide?
(More than one answers)

a) Synchronous RFC
b) Looped RFC
c) Queued RFC
d) Direct RFC

5. Which of the following are work process?

a) Dialog.
b) Message Server
c) ICM
d) Update
e) Gateway

6. Which of the following are valid transport routes?

a) Transport route
b) Consolidation route
c) Integration route
d) Delivery route

7. Support Package is imported using the tool


8. The tool for installing an add-on is

d) SCU0

9. Which of the following printing mode exist in sap system?
(More than one answers)

a) Remote Printing
b) Local Printing
c) Instance Printing
d) Front-end Printing

10. Which of the following transaction is used to configure printers in sap system?

c) SP01
d) SP02

Can you manually switch and operation mode in sap

Yes! You can trigger an operation mode switch from a program that you have written yourself using a function module (RZL_PERFORM_BA_SWITCH).

Answers to sample questions2


In what sequence does the system read the system parameters the specified locations?
a) Instance profile
-> Default profile -> Kernel
b) start.ini
-> Kernel -> Default profile -> Instance profile
c) Kernel
-> Default profile -> Instance profile
d) Kernel -> start.ini -> Default profile -> Instance profile

2) Which are the possible Client Roles
a) Test
b) Production
c) Demo
d) Integration

3) Which of the following are types of change requests?
a) Workbench request
b) Developer request
c) Customizing request
d) cross-client customizing request

4)In sap when a background job can be triggered?
a)When an even occurs
b) when database updates
c) when a job finished succesfully
d) can be triggered only in relese R/3 4.7

5) Which of the following work process can be dynamically changed?
a) BTC
c) v1
d) DIA

6) Which of the follwing are types of RFC destinations
a) Inter-system connection
b) R/3 connections
c) R/2 connections
d) Remote connections

7) Example of Java Standalone installation is?
a) Mysap 2005
b) WebAS 7.1
c) Sap BW 3.0
d) SAP Enterprise portal

8)Which of the following work process supports multiplexing?
a) Update
b) Background
c) Dialog
d) Enqueue

9)What tasks does a task handler carry out?
a) Triggers a event
b) Acess the database
c) Compile the Abap code
Coordinates activities within the work process

During asynchronous updates, which process records the data to be changed in VB* tables?
a) Dialog
d) Spool

Automatically logged off the frontend SAPGUI

Automatically logged off the frontend SAPGUI

You can set Parameter : rdisp/gui_auto_logout in transaction RZ11.

If no entry is made for rdisp/gui_auto_logout (in seconds), the frontend is automatically logged off.

If the parameter has the value 0, there will be no automatic logoff.

To change the parameter value,

First, display the parameter value with transaction RZ11.

Once in the display screen, you will be able to click the Change Value button to modify your desired value.

Maximum No. Of SAP Session Per User

Maximum No. Of SAP Session Per User

You set this Parameter : rdisp/max_alt_modes in transaction RZ10.

Add in the above parameter in the Instance Profile - Options Extended Maintenance.

Restart the R/3 instance.

The default maximum no. of sessions in 4.6x is set as 6 session per user.

Most company will reduced the number of session per user but not increase it.

Disable SAP USERS to logon multiple times

Disable SAP USERS to logon multiple times

How to block a user id being logging in for more than twice? i.e. I must restrict the user to be logged in at a time not more than twice (Not sessions, Loggins only).

Set the parameter in RZ10.

login/multi_login_users = set to 1 to activate

login/disable_multi_gui_login = you can put a list of users that should be allow to logon multiple times

List the user IDs separated by commas ",".

Do not leave space characters between user IDs.

Restart the R/3 instance to see the changes.

Suppress Multi Login / Set Minimum Password Length

Suppress Multi Login / Set Minimum Password Length

Suppress SAP Multi Login Message

You can suppress the multi login message by setting the parameter in the instance profile.

It is necessary if your company allows a single users to have multiple login and there tends to be cases where users will choose Options 1 which terminates the rest with the same user IDs. This can result in loss of data as the users may have not click the save button.

Use transaction code 'RZ10'.

Parameter name : login/multi_login_users

In this parameter, enter the name of all the users separated by "," comma for which you want to suppress the message while multi login with the same user IDs.

Take note that the multi login counter still counts even though you have suppress the message.

Currently to login into SAP, minimum password length = 3 characters.
How to define/change the minimum password to be 8 characters?

by: Rajdeep

To change parameter:

1.go to RZ10
2.Select instance profile---->Extended mantainence--->change
3.In next screen click on create parameter,type login/min_password_lng and click on change/display
4.Then it will show the default value
5.In the parameter field put ur parameter.SAVE the changes
6.Reboot the application server .

Some Sap BASIS Ebooks

Here are some sap useful ebooks
some are from sapAG


above are must read books for auditors

Basics of SAP

What is the difference Between External Commands And External Programs in SAP

External commands are predefined commands for end users. They are operating-system independent and are protected by authorizations, so that normal end users can schedule only those commands that the system administrator permits them to.Like ls in unix or dir in windows. Refer to this post for information on how to run a external command

External programs are unrestricted commands that are neither pre-defined nor restricted by authorizations. A user with administrator authorization can enter any of these in a job step. For example , programs like java or other exe files

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How to test the sending of documents from R/3 applications via fax, paging or Internet mail?

What are the system requirements? What do you have to configure?

The sending of documents via external communications services like fax, paging (radio call services, SMS), Internet mail, X.400, and so on is carried out with the components SAPoffice and SAPconnect. For an 'actual' sending via the corresponding communications services you still need R/3-external additional components ("SAPconnect node") which are delivered either by SAP (for example SAP Internet Mail Gateway or SAP Exchange Connector) or by external manufacturers (for example, fax servers).

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
. R/3 .
. .
. +----------------------+ .
. ! Application ! .
. +----------------------+ .
. | .
. | <------- Business Communication Interface . v . . +----------------------+ . . ! SAPoffice ! . . +----------------------+ . . | . . | <------- SAPoffice/SAPconnect send queue . v . . +----------------------+ . . ! SAPconnect ! . . +----------------------+ . . | . . . . . . . . .|. . . . . . . . . | | <------- RFC Interface BC-CON v +----------------------+ ! Communication system ! ! ="SAPconnect node" ! +----------------------+ | v Data transfer network
You can check the correct sending of documents from applications with two different tests:

1. 'Actual' test
Documents are actually transferred via the communications services. Precondition is the installation of an external communication system and its connection to the data transfer networks (telephone line, Intra/Internet...).
This way, the documents can be transferred to any participant of the corresponding communications service (fax machines, mailboxes...).

2. 'Loop-back' test
The documents are returned here to the own R/3 System which functions like a SAPconnect node and are stored in the SAPoffice inbox of an R/3 user. The operation of an external communications system is nonrequired in this case.
In general, all points relevant for application can be checked during this test: Contents and structure of the documents, entry of sender and receiver addresses, format of the documents for transmission, handling of status confirmations and so on

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
. +-------------+ .
. ! Application ! .
. +-------------+ .
. | .
. v .
. +-------------+--------+ .
. ! SAPoffice ! Inbox ! .
. +-------------+--------+ .
. | ^ .
. v | .
. +----------------------+ .
. ! SAPconnect ! .
. +----------------------+ .
. | ^ .
. . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . .
| |

For both tests, proceed as follows:

1. 'Actual' test
Contact the R/3 System administration to set up the R/3-external infrastructure necessary for the required communication service and to carry out the R/3 internal configuration.

2. 'Loop-back' test

a) Address management
All R/3 users who want to send documents via a communication service need an address of the respective communication service type which is used as a sender specification.
All users also need an address of this type to receive documents in the R/3 System via a communications service and under which they are attainable as receivers.
If documents are to be sent to the own R/3 user during the loop-back test, a single address of the corresponding communication service suffices for this user. This is then used both as sender and as receiver specification.

Create addresses
The address maintenance of R/3 users is carried out either via the R/3 User Maintenance (Transaction SU01) or the Private office settings (Transaction SO12):
Address --> Other communication...
Selection of the required communication service.
Enter address.
Copy or save.

b) Configuration of SAPconnect (Transaction SCOT)
Set communication method
4.0 + 4.5: Goto --> Customizing --> Communication methods
as of 4.6: Settings --> Communication methods
Set the method of the required communication service to the value 'SAPCONNECT' and save the setting.

Create node
View --> Nodes, node --> Create
Nodes = for example system name/client "ALR003"
For example, Description = "ALR client R/3 System 003"
RFC destination = 'NONE'
Address type = Selection of the required communication service.
Address area = for example '*'
Format = 'PDF' for fax, 'RAW' for paging and Internet mail
Device type = 'POST2' for fax, 'ASCIPRI' for paging and Internet mail
Restrict send time = do not flag
Country = 'DE' (only for fax)
Flag Node-specific fax number changes... = (only for fax)
Enter two entries in the table: (only for fax)
Begin. no Substitute Comment
00 + foreign country
0 +49 home country
Set further address type = 'no'
Maximum waiting time... = enter nothing
Node can resolve path references = do not flag
Node is to be monitored by the alert monitor = do not flag
Node in use = mark

Schedule send process
View --> Jobs, job --> Dispatch
Job name = for example 'SAPconnect'
--> place cursor on variant SAP&CONNECTALL Schedule job (F6)
Schedule periodically, for example 5 minutes.

After sending a document from an R/3 application this is displayed in the outbox of the sender (if requested SAPoffice interface). After the next SAPconnect transmission process (according to the period chosen when scheduling the job) the document is displayed in the inbox of the receiver.

Creating a SAP mail distribution lists

Transaction code SO23

X Shared distribution lists

Name : ZXXXX

Title : XXXXX Mail Distribution

Don't enter anything in the Folder field.

Folder : Click the down arrow

Next screen :

Folder Name : ZXXXX

Folder Title : Mailing address

Folder Area : Shared

Click Create Folder

Next screen :

Indexing : Tick

Specify the 'Retention period of a document in this folder (days)'.

Choose the 'Folder access authorization'.

Finish, click the Enter button.

Click the tabstrips 'Distri. list content' to type in your mailing list.

Save your entries.

Finally, test it by sending a mail via the distribution list ZXXXX.

Configuring eMail in Case of Alert

Here is what we did in PRD for sending alerts to e-mail distrubution group and it works great -

Assumption: SCOT is configured in client 000. You are able to send simple SO02 message out to a e-mail.

In client 000 -

1) Created a distrubution list (Zxxx) and a new folder (Zyyy) using SO23. Entered the e-mail ids of required persons.

2) Created a user "SUPER"

3) In RZ21, copied the std CCMS_On_Alert to a ZCCMS_xxxxx method. For this method entered the parameters as

RECIPIENT Zxxx (distribution list/group)

4) In the release tab, clicked on the option execute method as "Auto reaction method"

5) Using RZ20 assigned this method to the required nodes you want to monitor. (click on the properties of the method, choose method tab and method assigment pushbutton. Then switch to the display/change mode)

6) If the alerts get captured for the monitored nodes, it sends out an e-mail notification to the distribution group.

e-Mail The Back Ground Jobs

How to setup a background job after its completes and sends an e-mail to the external outlook?

In the client already using SAP SBWP and we are sending the e-mails to the external id, and a background job is running for every 5 minutes .

How to trigger it to the external mail?

What is the general procedure what you do if the task has been given to you after the background job is run it should send an e-mail to the external e-mail.

First you need to create a distribution list via tcode SBWP. In the distribution list, write the external email address. Choose the recepient type into "Internet Address".

In SM37, if you double click on the job, you will see there a "Spool List" button.
Click on that spool list button, then key in the newly created distribution list in the recipient field.

Email Background - Spool Recipient Field

When you set the job up you can specify an external email in the spool list recipient section.
It should look something like the below. There will be some mail side setup required depending on your environment and what is possible.

Specify an external email address

One the job process is completed, the email will be send out to the recipient.

How to test the sending of documents from R/3 applications via fax, paging or Internet mail?

How to test the sending of documents from R/3 applications via fax, paging or Internet mail?

What are the system requirements? What do you have to configure?

The sending of documents via external communications services like fax, paging (radio call services, SMS), Internet mail, X.400, and so on is carried out with the components SAPoffice and SAPconnect. For an 'actual' sending via the corresponding communications services you still need R/3-external additional components ("SAPconnect node") which are delivered either by SAP (for example SAP Internet Mail Gateway or SAP Exchange Connector) or by external manufacturers (for example, fax servers).

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
. R/3 .
. .
. +----------------------+ .
. ! Application ! .
. +----------------------+ .
. | .
. | <------- Business Communication Interface
. v .
. +----------------------+ .
. ! SAPoffice ! .
. +----------------------+ .
. | .
. | <------- SAPoffice/SAPconnect send queue
. v .
. +----------------------+ .
. ! SAPconnect ! .
. +----------------------+ .
. | .
. . . . . . . .|. . . . . . . . .
| <------- RFC Interface BC-CON
! Communication system !
! ="SAPconnect node" !
Data transfer network

You can check the correct sending of documents from applications with two different tests:

1. 'Actual' test
Documents are actually transferred via the communications services. Precondition is the installation of an external communication system and its connection to the data transfer networks (telephone line, Intra/Internet...).
This way, the documents can be transferred to any participant of the corresponding communications service (fax machines, mailboxes...).

2. 'Loop-back' test
The documents are returned here to the own R/3 System which functions like a SAPconnect node and are stored in the SAPoffice inbox of an R/3 user. The operation of an external communications system is nonrequired in this case.
In general, all points relevant for application can be checked during this test: Contents and structure of the documents, entry of sender and receiver addresses, format of the documents for transmission, handling of status confirmations and so on

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
. +-------------+ .
. ! Application ! .
. +-------------+ .
. | .
. v .
. +-------------+--------+ .
. ! SAPoffice ! Inbox ! .
. +-------------+--------+ .
. | ^ .
. v | .
. +----------------------+ .
. ! SAPconnect ! .
. +----------------------+ .
. | ^ .
. . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . .
| |

For both tests, proceed as follows:

1. 'Actual' test
Contact the R/3 System administration to set up the R/3-external infrastructure necessary for the required communication service and to carry out the R/3 internal configuration.

2. 'Loop-back' test

a) Address management
All R/3 users who want to send documents via a communication service need an address of the respective communication service type which is used as a sender specification.
All users also need an address of this type to receive documents in the R/3 System via a communications service and under which they are attainable as receivers.
If documents are to be sent to the own R/3 user during the loop-back test, a single address of the corresponding communication service suffices for this user. This is then used both as sender and as receiver specification.

Create addresses
The address maintenance of R/3 users is carried out either via the R/3 User Maintenance (Transaction SU01) or the Private office settings (Transaction SO12):
Address --> Other communication...
Selection of the required communication service.
Enter address.
Copy or save.

b) Configuration of SAPconnect (Transaction SCOT)
Set communication method
4.0 + 4.5: Goto --> Customizing --> Communication methods
as of 4.6: Settings --> Communication methods
Set the method of the required communication service to the value 'SAPCONNECT' and save the setting.

Create node
View --> Nodes, node --> Create
Nodes = for example system name/client "ALR003"
For example, Description = "ALR client R/3 System 003"
RFC destination = 'NONE'
Address type = Selection of the required communication service.
Address area = for example '*'
Format = 'PDF' for fax, 'RAW' for paging and Internet mail
Device type = 'POST2' for fax, 'ASCIPRI' for paging and Internet mail
Restrict send time = do not flag
Country = 'DE' (only for fax)
Flag Node-specific fax number changes... = (only for fax)
Enter two entries in the table: (only for fax)
Begin. no Substitute Comment
00 + foreign country
0 +49 home country
Set further address type = 'no'
Maximum waiting time... = enter nothing
Node can resolve path references = do not flag
Node is to be monitored by the alert monitor = do not flag
Node in use = mark

Schedule send process
View --> Jobs, job --> Dispatch
Job name = for example 'SAPconnect'
--> place cursor on variant SAP&CONNECTALL Schedule job (F6)
Schedule periodically, for example 5 minutes.

After sending a document from an R/3 application this is displayed in the outbox of the sender (if requested SAPoffice interface). After the next SAPconnect transmission process (according to the period chosen when scheduling the job) the document is displayed in the inbox of the receiver.

Creating a SAP mail distribution lists

Creating a SAP mail distribution lists

Transaction code SO23

X Shared distribution lists

Name : ZXXXX

Title : XXXXX Mail Distribution

Don't enter anything in the Folder field.

Folder : Click the down arrow

Next screen :

Folder Name : ZXXXX

Folder Title : Mailing address

Folder Area : Shared

Click Create Folder

Next screen :

Indexing : Tick

Specify the 'Retention period of a document in this folder (days)'.

Choose the 'Folder access authorization'.

Finish, click the Enter button.

Click the tabstrips 'Distri. list content' to type in your mailing list.

Save your entries.

Finally, test it by sending a mail via the distribution list ZXXXX.

Configuring eMail in Case of Alert

Configuring eMail in Case of Alert

Here is what we did in PRD for sending alerts to e-mail distrubution group and it works great -

Assumption: SCOT is configured in client 000. You are able to send simple SO02 message out to a e-mail.

In client 000 -

1) Created a distrubution list (Zxxx) and a new folder (Zyyy) using SO23. Entered the e-mail ids of required persons.

2) Created a user "SUPER"

3) In RZ21, copied the std CCMS_On_Alert to a ZCCMS_xxxxx method. For this method entered the parameters as

RECIPIENT Zxxx (distribution list/group)

4) In the release tab, clicked on the option execute method as "Auto reaction method"

5) Using RZ20 assigned this method to the required nodes you want to monitor. (click on the properties of the method, choose method tab and method assigment pushbutton. Then switch to the display/change mode)

6) If the alerts get captured for the monitored nodes, it sends out an e-mail notification to the distribution group.

e-Mail The Back Ground Jobs

e-Mail The Back Ground Jobs

How to setup a background job after its completes and sends an e-mail to the external outlook?

In the client already using SAP SBWP and we are sending the e-mails to the external id, and a background job is running for every 5 minutes .

How to trigger it to the external mail?

What is the general procedure what you do if the task has been given to you after the background job is run it should send an e-mail to the external e-mail.

First you need to create a distribution list via tcode SBWP. In the distribution list, write the external email address. Choose the recepient type into "Internet Address".

In SM37, if you double click on the job, you will see there a "Spool List" button.
Click on that spool list button, then key in the newly created distribution list in the recipient field.

Email Background - Spool Recipient Field

When you set the job up you can specify an external email in the spool list recipient section.
It should look something like the below. There will be some mail side setup required depending on your environment and what is possible.

Specify an external email address

One the job process is completed, the email will be send out to the recipient.

Explain What Is IDOC

Explain What Is IDOC

Explain to me about Idoc?

IDoc (for intermediate document) is a standard data structure for electronic data interchange (EDI) between application programs written for the popular SAP business system or between an SAP application and an external program. IDocs serve as the vehicle for data transfer in SAP's Application Link Enabling (ALE) system.

IDocs are used for asynchronous transactions: Each IDoc generated exists as a self-contained text file that can then be transmitted to the requesting workstation without connecting to the central database.

Another SAP mechanism, the Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) is used for synchronous transactions.
A large enterprise's networked computing environment is likely to connect many geographically distributed computers to the main database. These computers are likely to use different hardware and/or operating system platforms. An IDoc encapsulates data so that it can be exchanged between different systems without conversion from one format to another.

IDoc types define different categories of data, such as purchase orders or invoices, which may then be broken down into more specific categories called message types. Greater specificity means that an IDoc type is capable of storing only the data required for a particular transaction, which increases efficiency and decreases resource demands.

An IDoc can be generated at any point in a transaction process. For example, during a shipping transaction process, an IDoc may be generated that includes the data fields required to print a shipping manifest. After a user performs an SAP transaction, one or more IDocs are generated in the sending database and passed to the ALE communication layer. The communication
layer performs a Remote Function Call (RFC), using the port definition and RFC destination specified by the customer model.

The IDoc is transmitted to the receiver, which may be an R/3, R/2, or some external system. *-- Ashok

What are the main advantages if IDOC?

IDoc is the data Format used by the SAP in data transfer using ALE /EDI methods. They provide more data security. An IDoc is an intermediate document used to send data in two ways, that is internal and the external point for you.

In BW, IDoc is a transfer mode, when you create a Infosource you can select the transfer mode as PSA or IDOC. Its the method provided for backward compatibility. In older version the hirerchies where loaded using IDOC transfer method. Now its possible with PSA but still that method is available to load the hierarchies.

An example in SD:
For creating sales documents (sales order) through IDOCS you will have to use the T code WE19. In that click basic type and enter order05(IDOC type) and select via message type then enter ORDERS(message type), click execute.

You will get to see many fields.here you have to enter the datas that you enter in the VA01 screen in order to create sales order. The datas such as material name, date, qty, P.O no etc. After entering all the datas, you click standard inbound the IDOC would be created by the system.You can see the created order by going in to VA03 screen.

Next time when you create the IDOC, in same tcode WE19 screen, click existing IDOC and enter the IDOC which you created in the above step and just change the P.O no.Sytem will create new sales order through new IDOC

Before doing all you need to maintain the partner profile in T code WE20. For this Discuss with EDI consultant.

Difference Between EDI and IDOC

Difference Between EDI and IDOC

EDI is nothing but Electronic data interchange. SAP will support EDI through Intermediate documents (IDOCS).

EDI (Electronic Document interchange) - EDI is the electronic exchange of business documents between the computer systems of business partners, using a standard format over a communication network.

EDI is also called paperless exchange.

Reduced Data entry errors
Reduced processing time
Availabilty of data in electonic form
Reduced paperwork
Reduced Cost
Reduced inventories and better planning
Standard means of communications
Better business process

EDI has two process
1. Outbound process
2. Inbound process

1.Application document is created.
2.IDOC is generated
3.IDoc is transferred from SAP to Operating system layer
4.Idoc is converted into EDI standards
5.Edi document is transmitted to the business partner
6.The Edi Subsystem report status to SAP

1.EDI transmission received
2.EDI document is converted into an IDOC
3.IDOC is transferred to the SAP layer
4.The application document is created
5.The application document can be viewed.

IDOC is a container that can be used to exchange data between any two process.
Each iDoc is assigned a unique number for tracking and future reference.
iDoc Consist of several segments,and segments contain several fields.
iDoc contains the following three type of records...
1.One Control Record.
2.One or many Data Record
3.One or many Status record.

Port is used in the outbound process to determine the name of the EDI subsystem program,the directory path where the idoc file will be created at the operating system level,the idoc file names and the rfc desinations.

RFC Destination:
Used to define the characteristics of communication links to a remote system on which a functions needs to be executed.

Partner Profile:
Partner profile specified the various componets used in an outbound process ( Partner number,IDoc type,message type,Port,Process code),the mode in which it communicates with the subsystem(batch or immediate) and the person to be notified in case of errors.

Message Control
Used in pricing,account determination,material determination,and output determination.The message control component enables you to encapsulate business rules with out having to write abap programs.

Setup RFC destinations SM59
Port Destinations WE21
Partner Profile WE20
Message control NACE
Purchase Order ME21
Check IDOCs WE02,WE05

Explain to me about Idoc?

IDoc (for intermediate document) is a standard data structure for electronic data interchange (EDI) between application programs written for the popular SAP business system or between an SAP application and an external program. IDocs serve as the vehicle for data transfer in SAP's Application Link Enabling (ALE) system.

IDocs are used for asynchronous transactions: Each IDoc generated exists as a self-contained text file that can then be transmitted to the requesting workstation without connecting to the central database.

Another SAP mechanism, the Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) is used for synchronous transactions.
A large enterprise's networked computing environment is likely to connect many geographically distributed computers to the main database. These computers are likely to use different hardware and/or operating system platforms. An IDoc encapsulates data so that it can be exchanged between different systems without conversion from one format to another.

IDoc types define different categories of data, such as purchase orders or invoices, which may then be broken down into more specific categories called message types. Greater specificity means that an IDoc type is capable of storing only the data required for a particular transaction, which increases efficiency and decreases resource demands.

An IDoc can be generated at any point in a transaction process. For example, during a shipping transaction process, an IDoc may be generated that includes the data fields required to print a shipping manifest. After a user performs an SAP transaction, one or more IDocs are generated in the sending database and passed to the ALE communication layer. The communication
layer performs a Remote Function Call (RFC), using the port definition and RFC destination specified by the customer model.

The IDoc is transmitted to the receiver, which may be an R/3, R/2, or some external system.

Delete/Remove of IDocs from R3

Delete/Remove of IDocs from R3

Created change pointers related to message types like MATMAS and LOIBOM by keeping specific conditions (running a background job). so server created lakhs of Idocs. Due to this sever is running very very slow.

Is there any facility to delete/remove Idocs from SAP R/3. If yes what is is next step. Now what should I do.

Take a look at running report RBDCPCLR from SE38 in the backgorund. You will probably have to up a varient we run the report weekely and keep the last 6 weeks of data. You will be removing from table BDCPS take a look and it will all make sense.

Report RBDCPCLR selection screen is for deleting change pointers. My question is deleting IDocs which are created by Change Pointers. Please guide me to next step. What should I do......

Aplogises thought that we were talking change pointers ....
From note 40088

"There is no special deletion program for IDocs.
Use the archiving programs. IDoc is a separate archiving class. The following programs are available:

1. Archive RSEXARCA and RSEXARCB (as of Release 3.0C)
2. Delete RSEXARCD
3. Read archiveRSEXARCR
4. Restore RSEXARCL

The Idoc archiving is checked against the status. The statuses which can be archived and those that cannot be archived are stored in the "Status maintenance" table. You can change the standard settings. Menu path:
Area menu "WEDI", control, status maintenance.
The archiving procedure is described in the documentation 'IDoc interface for EDI'."

I tried as like you said, first tried with RSEXARCA (Archived) then deleted from SAP R/3 RSEXARCD(Deleted from R/3) I tried this for few IDocs and it worked fine.

but after tried for more no of IDocs(20000). then given like 'last create archive file without data objects was deleted' for report RSEXARCA. and not showed any thing for report RSEXARCD.

I am not that familiar with the transaction but it may be possible to break down the IDOCS in to batches of 5000 and run these in the background ??

Have you checked the customizing for object 'IDOC' - I mean not only in transaction SARA but also the application-related customizing. There might be a parameter, defining the minimun-duration time of idocs ... unfortunately I don't remember the transaction ...

Archiving IDOCs for WM system

I use program RSEXARCA to archive the IDOCs that do not required posting. I wanted to permanently delete those from system; but don’t see the archive file in SARA.

In the 46C there is object IDOC.

I regularly run program RSEXARCA in SE38. And archive IDOCs that do not require postings anymore.

Documentation of this program in SE38 does not talk about archiving & deleting, I'd believe that it is creating an archive file that I should be able to permanently delete from the system. In transaction SARA for object IDOC, I do not see any files for me to delete.

I also regulary delete IDOC, but I use RSEXARCB in the background job.

Since you mentioned 'delete' I assume that both programs RSEXARCA and RSEXARCB Archive & Delete at the same time.

Please use Object Idoc from SARA. If you use this it will write file using program RSEXARCA and delets using RSEXARCD.
