My goal is the SAP Basis Certification!
Of course experience is valued higher than (theoretical) knowledge, but especially in the SAP world the certification is your must-have entrance ticket to verify your skills.
I know what you're thinking about... Braindumps.
From my previous exam as Microsoft Certified Professional I know the value of brain dumps, but in the matter of an SAP exam you can forget cheating:
- even in the deepest and darkest corners of top insider discussion forums, there are no secret guides for SAP Certifications available
- the level of relevant certification knowledge is so broad, that without a very deep understanding of the theme you'll just waste money for the exam
- and finally you can't cheat at work - every SAP Basis job requires comprehensive knowledge, without you'll be fired after your first day. Promised!
Have a look at this certifcation path to become a SAP Certified Technology Consultant (SAP Basis Admin):
TADM10 (description here) is mandatory not only for the Basis Administrator, but also i.e. for the education path to XI/PI consultants.
Together with TADM12 (description here), both courses covers following separate available courses:
- ADM100: SAP Web AS Administration I
- ADM102: SAP Web AS Administration II
- ADM200: SAP Web AS Java Administration
- ADM110: Installation SAP ECC 6.0
- ADM325: Software Logistics
- ADM315: Workload Analysis
After TADM10&12, you have to decide which DBMS you'll work with.
I will take the path to Oracle = TADM51 (description here)
Again, TADM51 covers some separate available courses:
- ADM505: Database Administration Oracle I
- ADM506: Database Administration Oracle II
1 comment:
Would you provide the download link?
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